archive pst

完全以年分類,每年建一個pst檔,年底下再建分類目錄,如廠商、客戶、公司、、、,我 一直不信任C碟,所以將Outlook 所有的pst 全部移到D碟,包括archive.pst(封存)及 ...

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Hiver is a super useful Google Chrome extension that simplifies communication and collaboration in a work or home environment. It makes Gmail a powerful productivity tool by adding useful features s...

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  • 完全以年分類,每年建一個pst檔,年底下再建分類目錄,如廠商、客戶、公司、、、,我 一直不信任C碟,所以將Outlook 所有的pst 全部移到D碟,包括archive.pst(封...
    Outlook pst檔管理問題- iT 邦幫忙::一起幫忙解決難題,拯救IT 人的一天
  • 大家好,我使用的是microsoft outlook,昨天下午outlook一直顯示"無法回應",發現 archive.pst又快2GB了,我已經新增個人資料夾...
    archive.pst 要刪哪裡的信? 快超過2GB了! | Yahoo奇摩知識+
  • 如果您的Microsoft Outlook 資料檔(.pst 及.ost) 無法開啟,或者如果您懷疑檔案已 損毀,請使用收件匣修復工具(SCANPST.EXE) 診斷並修復資料檔中...
    修復Outlook 資料檔(.pst 與.ost) - Outlook - Office Support
  • 23 Feb 2016 ... Describes how to investigate items in an Outlook Data File (.pst) and trou...
    Open and find items in an archive Outlook Data File (.pst) - Outlook
  • 23 Sep 2016 ... If you want to make sure your Outlook is fast and snappy, learn how to arc...
    How to Keep the PST File Small by Archiving Your Old Mail - Lifewire
  • 12 Jan 2016 ... For the past year, I've been archiving to a pst-file which I called “a...
    Creating a new Archive pst-file and change the folder for ...
  • 說明如何備份Outlook 資料。其中包括如何備份、匯出、匯入個人資料夾(.pst) 檔案 資料。同時說明如何備份個人通訊錄、Outlook 設定檔案及Exchange Serve...
    如何管理Microsoft Outlook 中的.pst 檔案 - Microsoft Support
  • Whenever a certain user opens Outlook 2007 she receives the message "archive .pst can...
    error message Archive.pst cannot be found - Microsoft
  • My backup program wants me to decide whether to backup the archive PST or the other PST fo...
    Difference between an archive PST and normal PST? - Ars Technica ...
  • Overview - Archiving Personal Storage Table (PSTs). In most organizations, Microsoft Outlo...
    Overview - PST Archiving - Commvault Documentation
  • Create Outlook Data Files (.pst) on your computer to save Outlook items by account, projec...
    Create an Outlook Data File (.pst) to save your information - Outlook
  • 2016年1月12日 - For the past year, I've been archiving to a pst-file which I called “arc...
    Creating a new Archive pst-file and change the folder for AutoArchive ...